
About Me

We are a home educating family who uses the Leadership Education or TJED or Thomas Jefferson Education model. We have been home educators for the past 8 years. I've known about TJED for about 7 years and have been steadily growing in my knowledge and application to teach my children "how to think".

I am also the mother of a daughter who graduated from public school and is now in college. I feel that I have a unique understanding of both worlds - public and home education. I also worked in the public schools as a substitute teacher and know what is currently happening in our public schools. Keeping a balance between home and public is challenging at times, but I have learned what works and what does not. 

My Blog
This blog is the culmination of application at home, my personal Scholar and now Depth Phases and what I've studied in the various Leadership Education books. My views my be different than yours and my application is custom tailored for my family. Please feel free to post your views on these principles. I'd love to hear from you!

Join me on my journey!