
Thursday, June 6, 2013

6 Month Purge, No, and Inventory

The Purge

I love doing the Purge! Most people think of it as Spring Cleaning or Deep Cleaning. But, the 6 Month Purge has an additional purpose than just getting the home cleaner. It de-clutters the home environment to help promote more inspirational learning  by considering 3 different categories for each item. One rule of thumb for us, if it hasn't been touched, used, or thought about in 6 months, GET RID OF IT! (Unless, of course, it is a family heirloom or significant keepsake.)

  1. Throw Away - This is for items that are broken, torn, useless, or just plain not worth anything to any one else. 
  2. Donate - This category is for items that are still useful things that others might want. Sometimes I set aside bags of clothing to give to specific people. The rest I usually just take to Goodwill or another local charity that accepts donations, like the homeless shelter.
  3. Store It - The store it category is for heirlooms and keepsakes of importance. Sometimes this may include items we are saving for younger children to use when they are old enough. 
The form has lines to fill in for areas that you want to Purge. Sometimes I write the room - like master bathroom or stairs closet. Often, an area of the home has several areas that need a line all to themselves - like the desk, bookshelves, or pantry. Whether you want to do one area a week, an area a day, or do it all in a weekend is up to you to decide. 

In the beginning, the Purge took me a full month! I had a difficult time deciding what to do with a lot of items. Over time I was able to generally get through a Purge in a week. This process makes life easier for everyday organization and for big things like moving. If your things are already Purged and organized, changing seasons or big events like moving are a piece of cake!

The "No"

Mom's are busy folks. We drive kids around to various lessons, meetings, and events. We serve in our communities. We like to get out and do something for ourselves once in a while. Sometimes, we take on way too much! It is part of the feminine make-up. We want to be Super Mom and do all that we think everyone expects of us. 

This section is to de-clutter Mom's life. We make a list of everything that we do...everything! Don't mark a column until the list is completed. Once the list is complete, check off the things you "Must Do" first...feed the family, cleaning, dental appointments...whatever is on the list that you absolutely HAVE to do.

Next, check of the things you know are an immediate "No". Maybe it's lunch with a friend you really don't need to see, or the birthday party invites you planned on making but decided you can just buy them instead. Whatever the "No's" are, mark them off too.

With the rest of your items, try to mark as many "No" as you can. The rest can go into the "Pull-back" category. These are things you are going to spend less time on that you might want to do but do not necessarily need to do. Things like scrap-booking parties, watching movies, or talking on the phone. We can cut back on those things, even though they may be fun, they may be interfering with the "Must Do" category at times.

The Inventory

This part of the 6 Month Items is a necessity in my book. After the home is Purged and my "No" checklist is made, I am ready to get down to the business of Mentoring. I have now cleared my plate a bit to make room for the most important people in my children and a few people I mentor.

The 2nd page of this form is for the initial mentoring questions everyone needs to ask themselves about the people they Mentor. It is important to print one page for each person you Mentor, including the baby or toddler in your life. They need to be considered too. 

It is best to go to a secluded place or a place of refuge (not your closet or bathroom), a place that inspires you or brings you closer to your inner self. I like to spend time in nature on a trail, a park, or even in a pinch when I can't get deck which overlooks the trees. The important thing is to take uninterrupted time to contemplate the questions for each person.

Check out the form or the entire TJED Homeschool Planner at our store.

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