
Monday, July 8, 2013

2013-2014 School Year

I really don't like the word "school". It really does not describe what we do, but since that is how others view it, I'll use it here.

We consider ourselves year-round home educators. Education doesn't stop with certain days of the calendar. We do, however, have some planned yearly breaks mingled into the mix and the month of June falls into that category for us each year as various camps, conferences, and trips take place during that time. Now that we are into July, it's time to get back to a more Structured Time commitment.

I do purchase a few new items each year. Here are my "curriculum" purchases for this year:

English - Writing and Grammar
We will continue to use Excellence in Writing  and Winston Grammar products, focusing on the "Teaching Writing: Style and Structure" core materials for writing. Christian and I decided to add a curriculum this year that he can follow on his own in preparation for college. We have not yet decided if we will buy American Literature or British Literature. He is looking each over to see which one will suit him. I may just buy both so I can do them too. $29 each or $58 for both if I buy them new...not sure yet!

Math - Algebra and Geometry
We are using Aleks Math online program with videos from Khan Academy and some things we found online about The Human Calculator. Plus, he is a programmer so his normal, every day activities include lots of math. I purchase our yearly subscription at a discount from Leadership Education Academy for $99.

Science - Foundations of Science
My children take advantage of BYU-Idaho Concurrent Enrollment. This will be Christian's first year and will start with Science Foundations. While some feel the foundations classes are a waste of time because they may not transfer to other universities, I think they give my children confidence and a good taste of what college classes are like. The tuition for this 2 credit class is an amazing $60!

History - United States
We love Living History books. This year we are doing US History, an LDS Perspective by Dan Hunter. We loved the other sets we have and just want to keep going! He meshes history with modern and ancient prophets words. So nice that someone has taken the time to put these all together. $49.95 for Volume 1.

I'm pretty relaxed about PE. We do weekly planned events were we invite others to play basketball, tennis, football, or volleyball when the weather is good. This year we are adding a subscription to the Aquaplex which includes a gym. We will have access to the indoor gym and weight facility for the entire family. With 6 people that boils down to about $80 a year for Christian.

Music - Guitar
We are blessed to have a free music program called Young Jammers. Christian loves the instructor and the down-to-earth way they learn to read music and play with a group. I hope to add personalized music lessons later this year, but that will be about $100 a month, so not cheap but well worth it!

Yearly Budget
I do not usually spend this much for the year, but with only one child educating at home now, I guess I can afford to give him the extras. I don't even consider all the extra books I buy on a regular, ongoing basis. I find things at second hand stores, garage sales, used book stores, and even purchase some books for NOOK.

This years budget totals about $347!

I don't usually spend that much for one student, but I am buying the gym membership and a college class this year.

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